Magnus Reyes

Magnus Reyes


Professional Portfolio

ArcticFX Graphics (Sept 2021 - Present)

ArcticFX Graphics became the leader of their industry by offering the first interactive design editor. Being tasked with overhauling their website and business critical applications has been my proudest and most intensive projects.

With a focus on performance and modernization, we migrated from a WordPress monolith to an Astro + SvelteKit hybrid. This allowed us to leverage serverless technologies, reducing initial page load times from 2.5s to 0.9s on the homepage.

In contrast to their previous design editors, we utilized server-side image processing to minimize the network payload of our app. Now optimized with Rust and NAPI-RS, the function now uses 89% less CPU and 36% less RAM compared to the initial Sharp implementation.

To boost the productivity of our graphic artists, we designed a multi-tenant database schema. This allowed them to upload their work and manage their data from a single, unified dashboard.

ArcticFX interactive design editor showcase

Personal Projects

MixxxKit (Rust, SQLite)

When planning a B2B DJ set with a friend, we wanted to combine our music libraries so that both of our cue points would be available. Unfortunately, Mixxx didn't have a built in way to do this, so I made a CLI tool that would do it instead.

With SQLite powering the database behind Mixxx's music libraries, I was able to use popular libraries such as SeaORM, clap-rs, and inquire to put together an easy to use, interactive tool without too much hassle.

Designed to be extensible, adding new sub-commands is as simple as adding a new struct to the crate::cli::commands module.

Screen capture of using the interactive MixxxKit CLI

Vintage Story Mods (C#, Harmony)

After playing Vintage Story for several hours, I noticed myself being slowed down by several small inconveniences over and over again. Instead of ignoring them and moving on, I decided to do something about it.

Having very little game dev experience in my past, this was a incredibly fun opportunity to expand my horizons and experience a completely different programming paradigm.

To alter the existing functionality of the game, I found myself needing to use code reflection tools such as Harmony, a standard in .NET and Unity game modding. Being careful to respect OSS licenses, I made sure to include all copyright notices as necessary.

Additionally, to ensure my mod worked on multiplayer servers, I had to delve into the networking interface of Vintage Story. Through defining my own ProtoBuf messages, I was able to keep the client and server in sync. As someone who has always worked on the web, it was nice to work with something other than JSON or XML for once.

Official NoHands mod thumbnail for the Vintage Story ModDB Official PickupArtist mod thumbnail for the Vintage Story ModDB