Professional Portfolio
ArcticFX Graphics (Sept 2021 - Present)
ArcticFX Graphics became the leader of their industry by offering the first interactive design editor. Being tasked with overhauling their website and business critical applications has been my proudest and most intensive projects.
With a focus on performance and modernization, we migrated from a WordPress monolith to an Astro + SvelteKit hybrid. This allowed us to leverage serverless technologies, reducing initial page load times from 2.5s to 0.9s on the homepage.
In contrast to their previous design editors, we utilized server-side image processing to minimize the network payload of our app. Now optimized with Rust and NAPI-RS, the function now uses 89% less CPU and 36% less RAM compared to the initial Sharp implementation.
To boost the productivity of our graphic artists, we designed a multi-tenant database schema. This allowed them to upload their work and manage their data from a single, unified dashboard.